Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] Popsloader for 5.50/51 GEN-A
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Popsloader for 5.50/51 GEN-A

If the PSX games works very well natively on CFW 5.50GEN-A, this popsloader plugin is essential in running titles like FFVII.

[Image: popsloader0032176069b04.png]

NOTE: Popsloader for 5.50GEN is an update from GENyUS of popsloader for 5.02GEN-A of Miriam,
who was an upgrade popsloader 5.00 of Dark_Alex.

Download RTU Popsloader 5.50 GEN-A

lol! i was just asking arround for this yesterday !

Great,. awesomeness!!

by the way the latest 550 pops got alot of new stuff,. like the controller settings menu, its very wide-range with controller pics and stuff.
hmm better check it out, hope that it works with 5.00m33-6, if not, ill try to upgrade to 5.51gen
there is no 5.51gen (:
also thanks, useful
oooppss yeah, i thought there was, :P

anyway will try it later, lol

hmmmm i thought that there's 5.00 pops in the list, oh well, maybe ill flash pops.prx in flash0
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