Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] Update Trick 2.5 ESP/ENG
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Update Trick 2.5 ESP/ENG
by Dark_Chiri

[Image: icon0.png]


Update Trick simulates a higher firmware to use in PSN, or the latest games & demos.


5.00 M33-3 / 5.00 M33-4 / 5.00 M33-5 / 5.00M33-6 / 5.02 GEN-A

NOTE: Does not work with firmware lower than 5.00 M33-3.

100% Compatible with all PSP1000 and PSP2000 (v1 & v2 only)

::Simulates the following Firmware::


::Changes from v2.50::

     * Emulates the new firmware 5.51.
     * Translation into English.
     * Improved Graphics.
     * Improvements to the internal functioning.
     * Now the background color is that wee have put into the PSP.

:: Installation::

- copy Update Trick 2.5 folder to PSP\GAME folder then choose your desired OFW & install.

- Enter Recovery Menu > Configuration > "Use version.txt" (choose "enabled")


[Image: menua.png]
English Menu

[Image: install.png]

[Image: restore.png]

:: Download::

Download Update Trick 2.5
WOW! so its possible switching firmwares at will?!?!?
omg! PlayStation eat your heart out :D
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