Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] PSP Power Saver v.0.0.9 Final
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PSP Power Saver v.0.0.9 Final

Don't you hate when you are playing a game and about to beat the level and your psp power is low
and you have to run to go get the charger? Well that is no more because with the Psp Power Saver
you can now play for longer periods time.Just enable the prx and viola. This is just a beta release
so you probably won't notice the power increase because its only about a 10% increase.

In later revisions i will attempt to amp it up to about 50 or 100%. :p So enjoy...

Any questions comments or bugs? Email them to me at TshWarlock@gmail.com :)

Or aim me at Tsh SlipKnot I am not responsible for your psp blowing up when you use this ;)

This project is closed source for now, i won't release the source until i abandon the project

or until i can't do anything else with it...

How it works:

This turns off the umd driver when you are not using it (iso/cso, Homebrew,internet,music ect.)
In turn this will save you about 5% of power. Also turns off the drivers that load up the rss channel,
location free player,gocam, and the internet radio. (You can still use these they just are off when you are not)


Put the PspPowerSaver.prx in your seplugins folder

For CFW 5.00 m33 and above add: ms0:/seplugins/PspPowerSaver.prx 1 to game.txt

For CFW 4.01 m33-2 and below add: ms0:/seplugins/PspPowerSaver.prx to game.txt

-5.03 GEN-A Support!
-I completely removed the the function that removes turns off the drivers that load up
the rss channel, location free player,gocam, and the internet radio because I personally did not notice a difference
and people were having issues...
-Fixed a few bugs -Now 15%



CounterCulture- Village noob ;) hehe thanks for answering my questions no matter how nooby.
W4Rd3M0N- For testing on the slim.
Greatest Thanks to ibdel because without you i would be nowhere :D thanks a million bro.


Download PSP Power Saver v.0.0.9
Download PSP Power Saver v.0.0.8
Download PSP Power Saver v.0.0.7
Download PSP Power Saver v.0.0.6
I wonder if anyone's actually tried and measured this.

Unloading drivers, I can see it saving memory and perhaps some load times, but I can't see it really saving much power at all >_>  Or I could be wrong.
I am too scared to try this cause he says
kinda scary
silver_surfer Wrote:How it works:

This turns off the umd driver when you are not using it (iso/cso, Homebrew,internet,music ect.)
In turn this will save you about 5% of power. Also turns off the drivers that load up the rss channel,
location free player,gocam, and the internet radio. (You can still use these they just are off when you are not)

-5.03 GEN-A Support!
-I completely removed the the function that removes turns off the drivers that load up
the rss channel, location free player,gocam, and the internet radio because I personally did not notice a difference
and people were having issues...

-Fixed a few bugs -Now 15%

This doesn't make sense, he says it does all that but he removed the function. . .
Theres no problems using this plugin.
And yes it works, gives me about 10% more playtime compared to without the plugin on my slim.
Use this with Hold+ plugin and save much energy while listening to music.
i use it and get bout half and hour out of it
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