Endless Paradigm

Full Version: So, outside my place..
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I was out for most of the day in the hot sun, thinking that things never look good for me on a saturday...

The only good thing to happen was that I had a hands-on with the N97...

So I returned in the evening pretty pissed at its price and saw that some kids were playing outside my place. Then one of them comes up to me and hands over a device that they say they found lying outside my house.

I look at it at its ::: iPod 5G 30 GB :::

LOL!! Yes, the things is old and all, but hey, I don't have to pay for it!

Its completely off right now, so I am assuming its battery is dead. I need to find a dock connector to recharge it and see if the thing really works or is a piece of junk someone threw away because it was non-functional....

oh well... fingers crossed!


(yea.. I edited some parts)
[Image: 35d15vt.jpg]
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[Image: sl2m3r.jpg]
Sweet deal man, I like findings thing lol  Tell then kids to go find you a Ipod touch

Hope it works for ya
I am vaguely surprised with the kids... in what world are they living to not realise what the thing was!!
feinicks Wrote:I am vaguely surprised with the kids... in what world are they living to not realise what the thing was!!

lol yeah, you would think they would keep it for them selfs.

It's your lucky day
lol yeah... just hope that the thing works... then that's be a real sweet deal!
something smells awfully suspicious about them handing it over.

How old were theses 'Kids'?
Vegetano1 Wrote:Basterd!

hows that for a slice of fried gold!
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:something smells awfully suspicious about them handing it over.

How old were theses 'Kids'?

Young and innocent.... probably have never seen iPod before (not as common here as you'd think)
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