Endless Paradigm

Full Version: WOOWOOO Father's day RULES
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wowww! that's a pretty sick camera. and all i got for my dad was a hookah...
trademark91 Wrote:wowww! that's a pretty sick camera. and all i got for my dad was a hookah...

and your complaining ?

hes encouraging you to smoke Hihi
boogschd Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:wowww! that's a pretty sick camera. and all i got for my dad was a hookah...

and your complaining ?

hes encouraging you to smoke Hihi

good call lol. my moms pissed as hell that i got it for him. i suppose an angry mother is always  a good sign Madwin
Happy Fazer's Day....

I liked your cat the most.  _F.U_
trademark91 Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:wowww! that's a pretty sick camera. and all i got for my dad was a hookah...

and your complaining ?

hes encouraging you to smoke Hihi

good call lol. my moms pissed as hell that i got it for him. i suppose an angry mother is always  a good sign Madwin

oh wait... i misread that

i thought you got it FROM him Sigh
boogschd Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:wowww! that's a pretty sick camera. and all i got for my dad was a hookah...

and your complaining ?

hes encouraging you to smoke Hihi

good call lol. my moms pissed as hell that i got it for him. i suppose an angry mother is always  a good sign Madwin

oh wait... i misread that

i thought you got it FROM him Sigh

lolol same
[Image: img0112pxr.jpg]

kitty hershey kisses caught in the act LOL
z7shaft Wrote:Image looks so realistic *faints*

cause it is Hmmm
boogschd Wrote:
z7shaft Wrote:Image looks so realistic *faints*

cause it is Hmmm

I think he means as if he's really there :P
Pages: 1 2
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