Endless Paradigm

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With me entering my thread chapter of life, I thought it would be nice to leave behind a list of things I wish I was told.
never knew my dad so I had to find out a lot of stuff the hard way. it's my hopes to save someone out there some time. & feel free to add to this list =)

#1. The more you shave the more it grows
#2. girls like it when you play with that little nub on the front of threre special place lol
#3. gravity is bad for girls boobs, but good for our d!@#
#4. never drink liquor before beer. but beer before liquor is Okay
#5. everyone throws up when they first taste tequila
#6. everyone thinks there first one is true love, but it's just hormones
#7. never be anyone's lapdog
#7. try not to get anyone pregnant, you will be stuck paying for it for 18 years
#8. never fall asleep at a party
#9. never walk up to a cop & say "I'm so high right now"
#10. the girl WILL look like her mom in 15 years  
#11. there is no right answer when a girl asks you about here weight
#12. it's always best to seek forgiveness than to ask permission
#13. fishing is a tool used to get away from the house
#14. only a meatstick really thinks it's "bros before hows"
#15. if your friend is dissing your girl , he wants to be with her
#16. never change who you are for anyone
#17. really if you P on your feet in the shower, it will get red of athletic feet
#18. you will get a lot of ingrown hairs, get the root out
#19. if you are afraid of anything !! never do LSD
#20. if you wear a hat to much you will go bald
#21. always wear clean socks
#22. smoking really will kill you someday
#23. the class clown is pumping gas, at the age of 49
#24. If you build your body to big, your pecks will turn into boobs when you get older
#25. always take a P & watch your junk after sex
#26. if she has red bumps down there. don't put it in there
#27 90% of people will lie to you
#28. no one likes the guy that complains all the time
#29. never talk about people only to people, word goes around & comes back all mest up
#30. the bartender really does not want to hear your life story
#31. always think about what your going to say before saying it
#32. red heads are the ones that have more fun
#33. always make sure you know how old people are
#34. if you don't get a nut off every now & again you will end up with prostate problems
#35. there ant a damn think funny about prostate problems lol
#36. always be the guy that thinks of everything when you go camping
#37. having a change of close in your car at all times is just a good idea
#38. if she wants to do it on the first date, chances are you will have something to remember her by for the rest of your life
#39. no matter how many people she says she said she seeped with, always times it by 15
#40. your friends sister is just a bad idea
#41. if she says "I would like to be friends" cut & run get the hell away from her.
#42. no matter how bad you feel never tell your friend you did his girlfriend, never ends well

Okay I'll post more when I think of some

Actually a good read, thanks for sharing organ
Haha lol so truee!!!
Method Wrote:Haha lol so truee!!!

Organ Wrote:#40. your friends sister is just a bad idea
I wish someone told me #41, i wasted a whole high school year on a broad.
Some things u just have to learn from experience!
Hihi nice!! Madwin
xBu Wrote:Hihi nice!! Madwin

and luckily I was just told that the first 3 lessons are off tomorrow so school at 10am^^
YoYoBallz Wrote:I LOLed

Actually a good read, thanks for sharing organ
lol thanks I thought to was funny to
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