Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ~ Tattoo Design ~
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Pages: 1 2
Need some feedback. I'm getting this done on my wrist, but I don't know whether to get it done on the inside or outside :/
I designed it obviously...

[Image: design1copy.png]



What is it?
Some doodle I did lol it's like a cloud thing....
It's the style that I like drawing in lol I do a random scribble and turn it into a weird swirl thing.
I do the same with my etchings. Here's my favourite so far:
Big Image
[Image: scan0002.jpg]
Can you see what it is?? None of my friends canĀ Erk
for a tattoo ?

its not the usual design for a tattoo so ... idk :D
Yeh I know :D I want something different. But I dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo
just think it through...

its not something you can erase that easily when it gets done :p
Inside the wrist.
diego Wrote:Inside the wrist.
Yup, inside the wrist.
Yeh I think I am gonna get it on the inside :D but do you think the design is good???
Pages: 1 2
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