Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] LED Controller
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LED Controller
by Alex_e

A simple plugin that activates/deactivates the PSP LED's.

copy LEDControl.prx to seplugins and add these lines

ms0:/seplugins/LED_controller.prx 1

to game.txt and vsh.txt

then enable it in Recovery Menu

to activate/ deactivate the LED's press L and R at the same time.

LED Controller

Does this allow you to individually control each LED or is it a master switch sorta thing that just disables all the LEDs?
Nice! Something to have fun with... PSPkiller, this is just a master switch for all LEDs, at least as of now. Maybe in future updates you can control each LED.
is this working for you guys? im assuming by LEDS he means the lights for power and wireless switch, i have installed it etc, but they don't seem to be turning on and off. help?
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