Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP-3000 hacking
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Forgive my nubbish question, but I don't understand PSP tech-speak. I'm a end-user, not a techie, and my experience with haxing is old-school at best; I won't even buy a PSP until I know the make I'm buying can be haxed. (I like my customization extensive.)Nosey

I heard that there is a program that can be used to hax the "unhaxable" PSP-3000 model. Is this true, or am I getting all hyped up over nothing? If there is, what stage is it at? (Beta, testing, fully functional, etc.)

I would prefer answers to be in plain english, but if you must, I will attempt to decipher your techie-slang.
Apologies if this question has been asked, but I couldn't find anything with the search feature. Or google.

The PSP 3000 can be hacked, but only on 5.03 firmware
Any lower, you need to upgrade
Any higher, you can't hack your PSP at this time

You need to install Davee's Tiff Exploit to hack it, and then install either of the two Custom firmware apps

Becus25/Xenogears CFW enabler
GENyUS CFW Enabler
keep in mind the 2000 with ta88v3 and psp3000 using the tifff exploit and the custom firmware apps need to be run EVERYTIME you power up from a full shutdown...they are not complete custom firmwares as all previous psp have.
Cheers for the info.
Basically all I needed to hear.

To summarize then:
  • You can only hack 5.03 firmware on a 3000 model
  • The hack has to be redone every time the PSP is restarted
  • exploit » program to install custom firmware » hacked

Once again, thanks.
thank god somebody summed it up...

can't follow the new developments with all these updates chickens and gens >__>
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