Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] FuSa GAMEPAD v0.1
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- Initial release
r2 - quick bug fix

[Image: gamepad5d5724.png]

What is for?
It allows you to use PSP as usual GAMEPAD

How to install?
Simply copy PSP folder to the root of your MemoryStick.

How to use?

Just connect USB cable and PC will automatically recognize your psp as a GAMEPAD.

Do I need install drivers?
No, you don't need anything

What kind of GAMEPAD I will get?
2 axises: (X/Y) (Analog/Digital)
And 8 buttons:
Button 1 - CROSS
Button 2 - CIRCLE
Button 3 - SQUARE
Button 4 - TRIANGLE
Button 5 - L-TRIGGER
Button 6 - R-TRIGGER
Button 7 - START
Button 7 - SELECT

What OS is it compatible with?
Tested on WinXP, but should work with almost every OS

hnaves for USB driver researching
Forb for help with rd / ñïåöèàëüíî äëÿ òåáÿ ïî-ðóññêè: ñïàñèáî :) /

Author: Andy_maN © 2009
-= FuSa TeaM =-
Our home: http://www.foosa.do.am

Download FuSa GAMEPAD v0.1
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