Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Fluxee 5.00 m33/5.02 Gen/5.03 Gen
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*Hint* you can have subfolders the way Sony implemented in firmware 5.50
on this theme.Thanks to nickxab and everyone who helped figuring out a way to do this =D
The 5.03 version also has the unofficial cxmb by Total_Noob
Nice! first theme with subfolder suport! ;)

|Upped to EP theme section! Madwin
Yay , gonna try this , i guess it was about time Shony to make this. Nice theme J64 , yes V1 indeed the first one!
Theme not work for me..when i go to video or music folder-my psp fat freeze for few sek. and shotdown
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:Theme not work for me..when i go to video or music folder-my psp fat freeze for few sek. and shotdown

that's' what would happen the first time I tried well in the video folder but it was because my video files was corrupt but I bet that's not the case for you. So all I can say is try backing everything up on your computer then delete it of the ms and put it back on. I don't know if it'll work but it's a try. Sorry this is why I didn't want to put the subfolders but I thought it was fixed, so I did it.
i have 2k PSP and 500m33 and theme works fine!

video, music & photo folders, subfolders & files etc ,. ;p

great theme really Inluv
^^ On my psp it works fine also. I'm thinking it might be the files he has (music and vdeo) but who knows.



[Image: Old-LastYearAirlines.jpg]
this is a really nice theme. It's my favorite but I just got a new really nice background. but it's light colored so I can't see what it says because your theme's font color is white. can you please make one with a font color that can be seen with a background with light colors. (maybe a black font color?) but if its too much trouble then you don't have to. thanks!
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