Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Unofficial CXMB for 5.03 GEN-A
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News/release from TotalNoob

[Image: cxmb.png]

The unofficial CXMB for 5.03 GEN-A support 5.02 CTF themes.
So you can load themes on PSP-3000 and PSP-2000 v3 without a brick risk
Awesome!  I've been ttrying to get a hold of my friends with 3000 to no luck all weekend :(

if 5.02ctf work, then so should the 5.00 with the exception of the recovery.prx (which was the only thing the 5.02 ctf patch program changed, as well as the magic bit..)

now if we can get a 5.03gen for ALL other psp..i was thinking maybe its just a problem wiht the reboot.prx and was goign to try one from 5.02gen to see what happened...

I have added to the archive the ctf_convertor.exe
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