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So lately I've seen my macbook's cpu hitting temperatures of 79 degrees at idle or almost idle

now i don't know if the program that reads the temp is wrong but i'd say that's a PRETTY high temperature for a laptop >_>

any comments?
This is my laptop at idle
[Image: temp-1.png]
but it's a macbook which is made out of freaking aluminum

I'm not bashing yours or anything but how is such a thing which seems to have great heat dissipation due to the aluminum unibody get to temperatures above normal laptops?

Thanks for the insight anyway, helpful for determining what is normal xD

P.S. all temps around the laptop (like harddrive, northbridge, etc) seem to idle between 30~50 degrees; the hard drive being at 34 itself.
Seems a little hotter than usual for aluminum macbook, but not seriously overheating
Does it even have a fan? From what a friend tells me his MacBook is passively cooled...
A bit high... but still within range. If it touches over 90, then something is wrong.
wow those temperatures are considered normal?
|-Anubis-| Wrote:wow those temperatures are considered normal?

Well, technically, Centrino 2 should not be that high while idling, but c2d cpu do run hot...
hah you fudgeing suck my macbook runs at 50-55max on idle

macs are known to have poo poo thermal pasted on them
i opned up my mac and replaced the old thermal on the cpu and gpu with artic silver

the thermal already on it was not on the cpu and chpped of like hard clay

this is it afyer browsing the webs sitting on a bed
using a late 2006 blackbook with 4gb ram and 320gb hd upgrade in bootcamp

[Image: 33oijwm.jpg]
if it has exposed pantsu..i mean fans, get some compressed air and blow out the fans..its probably just dusty on the heatsinks...if its one of those sweet laptops that has NO FANS...well crack some eggs on it and make some sunny side up for me.

btw...why ask us?  why not get a drink at the genius bar since they're so smrt?
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