Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Zinga? A She?
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zinga is an entity... in the centre of the void. entities possess no gender.
feinicks Wrote:Not again...

feinicks Wrote:Everyone should know by now....

Zinga is simply a secret KFC recipe....

Entity Possession
Another EP name :D

Zinga is a MAN! :o
I know cause he screwed Gadgets Girlfriend last night

Oh snaps I accidentally leaked something oh chocolate
Zinga Burga = Zinger Burger

[Image: KFC%20Zinger.jpg]
i happen to be a gay dog, does that count?
[Image: kfczinger.jpg]

yay photoshop

i thought this died forever ago, the mystery continues!!!!!!!!!!
zinga is whatever you want zinga to be

hot.... *drooool
that's the reason why i came to EP! somebody told me she's a HOT CHICK! i usually ask V1 if that's true!
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