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Full Version: [Released] DayViewer Plugin Beta 3
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DayViewer Plugin Beta 3
by Total_Noob

[Image: screenshot1e4fe24.jpg]

This beta plugin displays the day of the week on your XMB.

Changes in beta 3:
+ Added in the config a function to view the day left or right
+ Supported PSP 3000 with 5.03 GEN-A
+ Added more support:
  - 3.80 M33
  - 3.90 M33
  - 4.01 M33
  - 5.03 GEN-A for HEN
+ Fixed the slow bug


- Copy the "PSP" folder to the memory stick
- Launch the installer on the psp and choose the option "Install DayViewer"
- After the installation, you open the "ms0:/seplugins/dayviewer.txt" on the computer (or pspwrite) and adjust to your needs
- Finally enable it in the recovery menu

- Copy "dayviewer.prx" and "dayviewer.txt" to the "seplugins" folder
- Write this line: "ms0:/seplugins/dayviewer.prx 1" to vsh.txt
- Open dayviewer.txt and adjust to your needs
- Finally enable it in the recovery menu

- If you use the YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY dateformat with the 12 time format, the battery charging will not shows

Sorry for my bad English, because I'm from Switzerland. I hope you understand me^^

Well, have fun^^


TIP: You can use this plugin to remind you that your on ChickHEN Environment.
Just replace the days to something like this "ChickHEN Mode" , "HEN ACTIVE" or
whatever you like.


MONDAY = "Monday" change to "ChickHEN Mode"


[Image: snap001.png]

Download DayViewer Beta 3
Download DayViewer Beta 2
Download DayViewer Beta 1
Cool this plugin is Awesome!

updating now!

How is it posible that the AM is in the screenshot>?
[Image: screenshot1e4fe24.jpg]

if i try to switch to 12hour clock the day disapears>?
Edit: might be because of theme i am using,.
EDIT2: nevermind i found the "dayviewer.txt" ;)

# DayViewer Plugin #
# by Total_Noob    #

MONDAY = "Monday"
TUESDAY = "Tuesday"
WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday"
THURSDAY = "Thursday"
FRIDAY = "Friday"
SATURDAY = "Saturday"
SUNDAY = "Sunday"

#Use Left or Right


#Use 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock


[Image: 2pzww8i.jpg]
Cool, Trying this as well.
Thanks for the news dude
Hope this lovely plugin gets updated to 550 soon!! i want to add this to my theme! :)

lol,. its the best plugin evar! Adore

Totaly Awesome Noobieness!!
Vegetano1 Wrote:Hope this lovely plugin gets updated to 550 soon!! i want to add this to my theme! :)

lol,. its the best plugin evar! Adore

Totaly Awesome Noobieness!!

Did you get it re-directed to your flash0 ?  I know you were going to try to...
Gadget Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:Hope this lovely plugin gets updated to 550 soon!! i want to add this to my theme! :)

lol,. its the best plugin evar! Adore

Totaly Awesome Noobieness!!

Did you get it re-directed to your flash0 ?  I know you were going to try to...

Installed 550gen and plugin does't work on 550 yet,..
550gen suport!! Nana-o

why thus when i manually install it in my phat psp, dayviewer do not work, lol
Nice, I'll try it.
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