Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Flash0 & CTF] Rounded 500M33
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This is Rounded , made by XMB-Studio China.
The theme is the classic configuration FLash0 ,
if someone is so kind to make a ctf ill be grateful.
The system clicks are from Schmilkenberries.

For using the wave from your XMB menu/theme settings, you should set it to Classic Theme!


[Image: round1pgw.jpg]

Link Flash0 :   [attachment=2840]

Thanks to Punk777 for the CTF.
Nice Theme!
I'll make the CTF for ya...
(already did)
Thanks punk777 , it will be better and easier  for the people to use it with CXMB.
just looks like a PTF :)
Nice theme, thank you.

* Gadget downloads...
goodthinking :)
how did V1 miss this release!!

Nice updata man!! Inluv the icon/wave combo!
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