Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I got a tattoooooooo D:
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i got it done about a week ago, just want to know ppl's opinions o.O, it's a pic from when i first got it lol.
basically my bro's g/f got a tattoo gun, and i was a volunteer, and it was only her 2nd tattoo ever! so kudos to her :]
hahaha nice, a mario related tattoo i want that but i usually do it in henna, lol
aha, that's awesomee.

but why is this thread in music?
Xitherun Wrote:but why is this thread in music?

moved to "personal threads" subforum.
looks good, she did a good job
yea i didn't really pay attention to where i put the thread xD sorry ><
Yeh I'm getting one in a couple o weeks :)
that's awesome! I got to say, your probably the only other person that's posted pics of tattoos on here, lolz.
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