04/06/2009, 05:55 AM
I've got Apache running on a computer and I'm trying to host some files. Simple enough.
I'm using no-ip.com to turn my dynamic IP into something a little more memorable, again simple enough. But, my router being a bitch, reserves port 80 for its online config so I'm running Apache through port 1234, forwarding port 1234 and set up no-ip.com to forward requests to port 1234. In theory that should work. But of course it doesn't.
Visiting robserv.no-ip.org just gives me a "Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection." error in Firefox but, when someone else other than me (I recruited the help of andrewcc for testing from another location) visits robserv.no-ip.org, Firefox gives a "Request timed out" error. Same thing happens when you try and ping me.
I've tried bypassing no-ip.com altogether by visiting my external IP with port 1234 on the end but that gives exactly the same results from both locations as typing in robserv.no-ip.org. No-IP therefore isn't the problem.
I've tested Apache also by putting my internal IP into Firefox with port 1234 on the end, that works fine. I've fiddled with firewalls and tried disabling them completely for testing, none of which made any difference.
I'm at a loss. I can't work out where exactly the problem lies. I think it may be either the router or the ISP but I can't be sure.
I'm using no-ip.com to turn my dynamic IP into something a little more memorable, again simple enough. But, my router being a bitch, reserves port 80 for its online config so I'm running Apache through port 1234, forwarding port 1234 and set up no-ip.com to forward requests to port 1234. In theory that should work. But of course it doesn't.
Visiting robserv.no-ip.org just gives me a "Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection." error in Firefox but, when someone else other than me (I recruited the help of andrewcc for testing from another location) visits robserv.no-ip.org, Firefox gives a "Request timed out" error. Same thing happens when you try and ping me.
I've tried bypassing no-ip.com altogether by visiting my external IP with port 1234 on the end but that gives exactly the same results from both locations as typing in robserv.no-ip.org. No-IP therefore isn't the problem.
I've tested Apache also by putting my internal IP into Firefox with port 1234 on the end, that works fine. I've fiddled with firewalls and tried disabling them completely for testing, none of which made any difference.
I'm at a loss. I can't work out where exactly the problem lies. I think it may be either the router or the ISP but I can't be sure.