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Quote:Funimation Cancels One Piece Simulcast (Update 2)
posted on 2009-05-30 17:43 EDT
Also removed from Hulu and Joost websites


The North American anime distributor Funimation has issued a new statement in regards to the leak of One Piece episode 403:

As anime fans know, FUNimation Entertainment and Toei Animation had planned for the first ever online simulcast of the series ‘One Piece’ tonight at 9:00 pm CDT., just one hour after its premiere on Japan's Fuji Television. Unfortunately, in the last 24 hours wee have determined that the FUNimation servers were compromised, even though wee employ strict security standards. An unknown individual accessed and posted episode 403 online and as a direct result of this illegal act, all U.S. and Canadian fans will be deprived of access to this great anime series for the immediate future. Wee will make every effort to locate and prosecute the perpetrator(s) to the fullest extent of the law and will provide updates regarding this most serious matter.
Funimation has also replaced the original statement on its website — which less specifically stated that One Piece was not available due to technical issues — with the above statement.
At this time there is no further information as to if, or when, the One Piece simulcast will start.

Update: One Piece has also been removed from Hulu (Google Cache). Hulu was set to offer subtitled One Piece episodes seven days after the Japanese broadcast (Funimation's simulcast was to be delayed by only 1 hour). Hulu had acquired One Piece from Toei, not Funimation.

Update 2: One Piece has also been removed from Joost (cached). Although Joost has not removed it's One Piece page, the episodes have been removed and replaced with the message "Sorry, this channel is not available in your country."

edit: forgot to put the source
source: animenewsnetwork

and also in the site animestash they have been received an order to remove all links for one piece, because of that single episode made by that hacker, lol

and all sites with links with one piece episodes will be receiving an order to remove it, lol, well ive still got other resources though
Effective strategy to get people to hate the hacker, (and deter hacking) lol.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Effective strategy to get people to hate the hacker, (and deter hacking) lol.

Switch that around.

( For the hacker....) Effective strategy to get people to hate Funimation, (and deter buying Funimation DVDs) lol.

I personally don't care. Not like I'm going to watch One Peice anyway. And even if I was, it would be via streaming.
^ Wait, only for the US, lol, didn't realise that.
Yeah, + for downloaders.
Assassinator Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Effective strategy to get people to hate the hacker, (and deter hacking) lol.

Switch that around.

( For the hacker....) Effective strategy to get people to hate Funimation, (and deter buying Funimation DVDs) lol.

I personally don't care. Not like I'm going to watch One Peice anyway. And even if I was, it would be via streaming.

yeah i always hate funimation when they try to srew up some dubs on their animes shown there, lol

anyways even full metal alchemist brotherhood episodes where tracked down now by funimation, or maybe all anime licensed to funimation, oh well, you can always get animes subbed in torrents, lol
when did i last watch an anime on TV?...

who watches one piece....
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