Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New sig in a long long time
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FINALLY DID IT (and i have a lot of work to do at that)

decided to make a siggy because i was bored and i needed one

i had to use my trackpad for all of this so i stopped halfway because my finger hurts too much Emptyone

anyway, your comments; i think I've gotten worse but that is to be expected no?

[Image: lingek.png]

[Image: wowwww.png]
Worse? you kidding? Its awesome!!! Inluv Madwin
Looks good just 2 things bothering me, it looks slightly oversharpened and the bg is sorta plain, maybe it would look better with a darker bg..
xBu Wrote:Worse? you kidding? Its awesome!!! Inluv Madwin

yeah, that.

far better than anything I could ever do.
actually looks vacant in places....

but its really awesome!
xBu Wrote:Worse? you kidding? Its awesome!!! Inluv Madwin
Well guess it's going to be my static sig from now on anyway

and yeah, i was thinking it was pretty oversharpened; but i tend to like things that way XD

Plainess was caused because i couldn't go on no longer with a trackpad, but now i got a laser mouse and my tablet so it's all cool :D

thanks for the comments
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