Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SnS ss3 announced, *UPDATE*
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10 E-pig for the first one knows what SnS stand for.
Shakugan no Shana?
[Image: 41519__468x_shakugan_no_shana_dengeki_bunpo_01.jpg]
[Image: 41518__468x_shakugan_no_shana_dengeki_bunpo_02.jpg]
yay, the ultimate tsundere has returned
ZOMG!!! I knew it!
where is ur source?

Nevermind... found some links... still says October ...
*runs around like an impatient little child and screams* SHAAANA!!!!111
SkyDX Wrote:*runs around like an impatient little child and screams* SHAAANA!!!!111

SAME HERE... i love shana!!!!111  tsundere girls are win.... even in anime lol
^^^ note, they don't exist in real life
Heartless141 Wrote:^^^ note, they don't exist in real life

my understanding of tsundere is what it says it its wiki so i quote
Quote:a girl with a conceited, combative personality that suddenly becomes modest and loving when triggered by some sort of cause (such as being alone with someone). It can also describe a personality that is good-willed, but its attitude and actions often contradict its nature.

ive known lots of girls like that.... and they usually beat me up which i like coincidentally
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