Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Build your own 8-bit CPU
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If you've got a lot of time and 1253 pieces of wire, and you really have nothing better to do, then you might be interested in making your own CPU.
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[Image: gallery10.jpg]


Interesting project, but weird...
that's actually pretty cool, lol.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Interesting project, but weird...
lol yeahh.

even he doesn't know 'why.'
Looks pretty awesome.
O_O! if you'r still bored after making 1 8bit cpu you can make a quad core! Hihi

Looks nice! Blur
Will it run Crysis? Only then will I be impressed...

j/k, that's pretty amazing...
yes i would like to build my own 8 BIT CPU.
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