Endless Paradigm

Full Version: (RELEASE) Gameboot Editor V3.1 + Expansion Pack 1
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Alright here it is. The first expansion pack for Gameboot Editor V3.1 +.
Inside the included expansion pack is an additional 50 Gameboots and an additional 100 waves. Simple to install just download and then drop the gbootlibrary folder in the root of your memory stick and all the new files will automatically be installed. Enjoy!

Buckeyes for some of his gameboots and some of his converted wave pack
Mr.Shizzy for some of his old gameboots
and anyone else who I forgot that contributed or supported,Thanks!

Also keep an eye out. A new version with a ton of new features is coming soon!

Download below

Wow , thanks for your hard work , and the expansion pack is the win.

Edit : your download link is not working ?
No its working I just checked. It takes a minute to link to the download that's all and thank you for your support. glad you like the program
Nevermind I figured it out
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