Quote:Xenogears - Becus25: the wrath of Davee and PSPGEN
Xenogears and Becus25 by issuing Custom firmware Enabler, committed a few errors that have used the modules 5.02GEN without talking to their readme or without complying with the request by Davee on this. Controversy guaranteed!
A bit of history for all:
Before leaving for the controversy and its explanation, wee remind you that Davee is the creator of the program chickHEN R2 allowing the launching of homebrews on PSP-3000 and PSP-2000 v3, whose motherboards do not support the installation via pandora kit a custom firmware and that the height of happiness (note: black humor inside) have a processor that detects at startup, if there is one fixture. Davee's program allows you to give a PSP such the ability to run homebrews, but voluntarily, he had not installed the right to launch ISO and PS1 games on the program (see HACK PSP-3000: not support the ISO HEN Davee)
Also to clarify ideas, Miriam is the creator of our Custom Firmware 5.02Gen-A is currently the latest and most advanced firmware (VSH in recovery mode, Pandorisation integrated battery, the launch of games without check the minimum version required, etc.).. Note that the Custom Firmware 5.02Gen-A was released with the approval of the M33 team and only after he had the certainty that their Custom Firmware has been returned by Miriam.
There are actually two points distinct. Davee's anger for the lack of respect for his volnté from Xenogears and Becus25 and more importantly, to what affects us directly, using modules 5.02GEN-A in the CFE without any agreement or thanks.
Davee is angry:
Although all users unfortunate to have a PSP-2000 V3 is now the happiest in the world, it was clear as water, rock and Davee did not appreciate the release of a Custom Firmware to Enabler the launch of ISO through its chickHEN R2. THE will of Davee was clear and precise, so the two devs knew what he would have to rub. And the response was immediate
And so, in anger, he began to disassemble the code CFE torque Becus25 and Xenogears to see what was under the hood. A priori, it has not been disappointed, and wee no longer turn. Before wee talk about here is the code distributed by CFE Davee angry (understandable code for devs only ...):
PSPGEN is flattered but also angry:
Custom Firmware Enabler of Xenogears and Becus25 is supposed to be a Custom Firmware 5.03 M33 for PSP-200V3. But, in fact, the Custom Firmware Enabler is composed of modules 5.00M33 especially several key modules 5.02GEN-A, without which the CFE could not turn. Indeed, to cite one, the module systemctrl of 5.00 M33 does not work with the 5.03 and therefore without the 5.02Gen-A, not CFE.
So why these two young men they did not bother to put a line of thanks to Miriam and PSPGEN for the use of 5.02Gen-A? Going to know? They are traumatized may have to quote a French website ... even if the Custom Firmware that wee produced is good enough to make possible the release of the CFE. They also felt that nobody would see the code ... in addition to being fourbes, they are naive ...
Please note that the firmware 5.03 TDP, which wee have not issued the release, is also a 5.02GEN-A with a single module that does the 5.03TDP. Wee are really pleased to see that the 5.02GEn is especially appreciated.
What will happen then? What future?
A priori, Davee will continue the development of its R3 HEN but could not do anything else then.
Xenogears and Becus25 will they react and update their CFE with good thanks and an explanation of this passage in silence from the use of our PRX? Wait and see ...
Note MaGiXien:
Wee do not regret having published the CFE because it is a good number of people so far and wee hope that all users are not pirates without a soul. Wee are in a good word with Davee and just expect a correction of the readme from the authors of the CFE to move on. After what will happen between Davee and the other two, is another story.