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so, i guess i could get a laptop with a poo poo graphics card, avoid the costly "gaming" classification, then buy an older card, and swap it out, have a decent card, and save money?
trademark91 Wrote:the recommended graphics card for oblivion is the geforce6800. isn't that worse than the 9300m? and as for the cpu, i guess i want it more than i need it...

Firstly, desktop vs laptop cards.
Secondly, the 8 in 6800 means it's the most high end card of that generation, while the 3 in 9300 means it's towards the bottom end.

EDIT: Yeah, whatever, Zinga beat me to it.

trademark91 Wrote:plus, ill hav to run advanced programming software due to my major... that's why im shooting for the high cpu and grapics capabilities.

Lol @ advanced programming requiring high end CPU and GPU.

Look, my 7 year old 666MHz celeron (that I no longer use) /w 192MB of RAM and a 16MB ATI Rage will run your advanced programming just fine.
Assassinator Wrote:Lol @ advanced programming requiring high end CPU and GPU.

Look, my 7 year old 666MHz celeron (that I no longer use) will run your advanced programming just fine.

compiling eats up a lot of CPU, but it's not necessary to have a great CPU, it'll just take longer without it.
Try this mentioned in earlier post: http://umart.com.au/pro/products_listnew...&sid=35008
Seems to fit reasonably well.
AU$1400 is around US$1100, and you can probably find it cheaper over there.

Xitherun Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:Lol @ advanced programming requiring high end CPU and GPU.

Look, my 7 year old 666MHz celeron (that I no longer use) will run your advanced programming just fine.

compiling eats up a lot of CPU, but it's not necessary to have a great CPU, it'll just take longer without it.
Hardly longer.  It's not like they're going to make you write thousands of lines of code (I've never written an app > 500 lines so far during my Uni courses).
trademark91 Wrote:so, i guess i could get a laptop with a poo poo graphics card, avoid the costly "gaming" classification, then buy an older card, and swap it out, have a decent card, and save money?

That the 6800 being stronger than the 9300M is because the 6800 wee're talking about is because it's the desktop version. The equivalent 6800 for laptop would be much weaker.

1) The chance you're going to find a laptop card on sale by itself is 100%.
2) A laptop card that is stronger than the 9300 would also most likely cost more.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Xitherun Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:Lol @ advanced programming requiring high end CPU and GPU.

Look, my 7 year old 666MHz celeron (that I no longer use) will run your advanced programming just fine.

compiling eats up a lot of CPU, but it's not necessary to have a great CPU, it'll just take longer without it.
Hardly longer.  It's not like they're going to make you write thousands of lines of code (I've never written an app > 500 lines so far during my Uni courses).

well, yeah.

depends on what he means by 'advanced' programming.

University level stuff, CPU won't really matter. But I just compiled Webkit, and that took about 20 minutes, lol. I'd consider that advanced.
Xitherun Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Xitherun Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:Lol @ advanced programming requiring high end CPU and GPU.

Look, my 7 year old 666MHz celeron (that I no longer use) will run your advanced programming just fine.

compiling eats up a lot of CPU, but it's not necessary to have a great CPU, it'll just take longer without it.
Hardly longer.  It's not like they're going to make you write thousands of lines of code (I've never written an app > 500 lines so far during my Uni courses).

well, yeah.

depends on what he means by 'advanced' programming.

University level stuff, CPU won't really matter. But I just compiled Webkit, and that took about 20 minutes, lol. I'd consider that advanced.

imo 20 minutes isn't much, leave that running go eat then come back.
Xitherun Wrote:well, yeah.

depends on what he means by 'advanced' programming.

University level stuff, CPU won't really matter. But I just compiled Webkit, and that took about 20 minutes, lol. I'd consider that advanced.
How is compiling something you didn't write "advanced"?
lol, I meant Webkit is advanced, not compiling it is advanced.

all I did was type 'make' and wait.
well, i want to compile fast. i remember last year, i was writing a map for pspdungeons 0.7, and it took 4 days to compile the map.vis from the map.txt. and im naturally going to have pet projects, so i want to be able to compile something like that quickly. and with a high gaming capability, i can ensure (in addition to just playing games) i will be able to effectively test bigger things (like if i started to play with mods using the UT3 engine, hypothetically)
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