Everyone knows the boring old cliche. In order to fight it, story makers like to twist things around, ie good guy turning evil, or bad guy becoming good. Seems to work, I mean, the majority of stories fall under one of the above categories, right?
One of the most modern, and traditional cliché is : 2 guys, best friends, one turns ugly, two fight, good guy kills evil friend, evil friend cries in good friends arms as he's been bad and redeems himself.
Wee had this discussion in school, didn't go too well :(
Don't forget some people can be good and evil. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Mr. Hyde had split personalities. One personality cannot be both, at the same time. That would cause a paradox, and the Hero Villain would implode, trying to destroy himself.
Being good has it's benefits, as in people trust you, etc. but bad also has merits, i.e. not having to follow the rules about something.
Therefore, it is best to be good when it suits the company you are keeping, and bad when you want to get something done fast.
Unfortunately, this wasn't an option... *facepalm*
ever played a game where the bad guy attually wins? i played five games waiting from him to drop dead in the name of the good guy etc but he was all like nah i win :p
Mr. Spot Wrote:Being good has it's benefits, as in people trust you, etc. but bad also has merits, i.e. not having to follow the rules about something.
I'm sure the baddies have their own set of internal rules (ie always obey the leader, muahahahahahaha).
Trust... benefit of the doubt? (doesn't work on people who already know you)
Mr. Spot Wrote:Therefore, it is best to be good when it suits the company you are keeping, and bad when you want to get something done fast.
Good point.
Grey Ghost Wrote:ever played a game where the bad guy attually wins? i played five games waiting from him to drop dead in the name of the good guy etc but he was all like nah i win :p
Stereotype of Good wins over evil... the reverse will never happen in stories. Also... good and evil are points of view. Hitler never considered himself evil. Allies never considered him as a Saint.
Mr. Spot Wrote:Therefore, it is best to be good when it suits the company you are keeping, and bad when you want to get something done fast.
Read: Lelouch vi Britannia