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just interested in what size memory stick everyone uses and how much you get out of it? I have a 4gb stick with;

The movie Back to the Future

Ace Combat X
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Wipeout Pure

Silent Hill (the first one)

Doom for psp and
Snes9xtyl with the roms
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country II
Final Fantasy IV (II)
Final Fantasy VI (III)
Chrono Trigger
Legend of Zelda III - A Link to the Past
Secret of Mana
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire II
Super Mario ALL-Stars + World
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts
Super R-Type

And I still have 117mb left :P I also can play Ridge Racer on the go, as it is the umd i keep in the drive.
I have two 2gb cards
okay sandisk 1gb stick...

230 or so tracks of music
"Duel of Speed So3 music video"
"RGB pixel fixer video"

Yu-gi-oh Tag Force Saved Data. 46% complete
The Legend of Heroes 2 Saved Data. Level 6
Prince of Persia: revelations Saved Data.  The Towers
Lemmings 100% complete Saved Data
An other TLOH 2 Saved Data. level 40 (with custom backround)
GTA: LCS Saved Data. 26% done.

gpSP with Django2, Megaman BN5 TP, Poke Em,poke Sapp, friends of Mintown,link to the past Four Swords.
Daedalus: No roms
Snes9xTYL 0.4.2: With LOZ HACK: nightsky of link, LOZ HACK, OMEGA LINK, LOZ HACK: PARALLEL WORLDS LOZ HACK: tower of the triforce, LOZ: link to the past, Super Mario Kart, Star Ocean with dejap, Super mario All stars/RPG/Yoshi's island and super mario world
Doom-PSP plus: has both shareware doom and full doom2.
Dgen: see sonic gems Collection
PSP Sudoku

and i have 269mb left
ooo where did you get Doom-PSP plus from? I love doom II i used to own it when i was little
do you still have doom2? do you have the full doom1?

you can find DooM-PSP 0.05 Plus at http://DL.QJ.NET
No . . Unfortunatly. My dad brought it when it came out I had the box, manual, and all the floppy disks but I just moved house a few months ago and i have no idea where it is :(
i can't find a free copy online anymore. i used to but Id software was all "no more freeware on DOOM"
damn i have a 512, so I'm not empty on the ISO's and PSX games. I'm planning to get a 2gb since they're on the cheap now.
The_316_Wolf Wrote:damn i have a 512, so I'm not empty on the ISO's and PSX games. I'm planning to get a 2gb since they're on the cheap now.

A few months ago my mate told me his friends from Tafe had hacked psps. I had never even considered buying a psp until then, so I did some research and found psp hacks. Then I went out bought a 2nd hand psp with fw 2.71 for $230 and a 4gb stick for $250 lol. It was worth it.

Syfe Wrote:i can't find a free copy online anymore. i used to but Id software was all "no more freeware on DOOM"

If I ever find it ill let everyone here know :)
thanks. but for doom1 there is the expansion thing... with the other esp "thy flesh consumed" i want that version... oh wait there is a request forum someplace around here
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