Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] Gameboot Editor v.3+ for 5.00 M33
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Gameboot Editor v.3+ for 5.00 M33

[Image: zu5kif2788aa.jpg]

This program is for 5.00 M33 CFW only!

Here it is the newest version completely rebuilt from the ground up.
After much time and work it is finally ready for release.

In short this program lets you change your gameboot videos, bootsounds, bootlogos and background wave safely
and without risk of any damage to your psp and never the need to open your flash0: manually. In this version now
when you choose a gameboot the program will automatically change the opening_plugin.rco so your entire gameboot
video will play. So now no more need to go searching around or making an opening plugin that is the same length as
your chosen gameboot. There is now a built in recovery mode. The program will boot into its recovery mode when you
use it for the first time and will make sure you are on 5.00 M33 and will then make a recovery backup of your current files.

In short this program is a lot more efficient then past releases. I hope you all enjoy it!

This release comes bundled with 50 gameboots, 71 background waves, 22 bootlogos (opening_plugin.rco), and 6 bootsounds.

I will also be releasing expansion packs for this program in the near future.

Please see readme for further details.


Installation is very simple. Put the Gboot_editor folder into your psp/game/folder and put the
gbootlibrary folder into the root of your memory stick.

I will be making expansion paks but if you have your own files you want to use just place
them in there corresponding folders (wave goes into wave, gameboot goes into gbootpreview,etc.)
in the gbootlibrary folder with a 480 x 272 preview.png. If you do not have a preview that is ok
the program will just show a no preview pic for that file.

Homemister and company for Luaplayer HMv2
Mr.Shizzy for support and ideas
and anyone else i forgot thanks for anything that made this program better.

The Download link is below:
Download v.3+ or  Mirror
Download v.2

Great work   Madwin

This is getting to be a handy tool.
Maybe in a future version, you could add an option to patch your .ctf themes to load gameboot from flash.  (Just have the program check the .ctf for the opening plugin patch file header, if it exists, you know the theme contains opening_plugin.rco - so you could have it edit the binary and load the gameboot from memory stick..   Then you wouldn't even have to flash the psp to switch gameboots)

At any rate, great work.  Keep it up   :)

post all the illegal files you want no one here cares about that.
thanks shizzy that a good isea. and theres a new version posted that's got some extra features.
Hi guys, I am having a problem with this program, when i launch gameboot it starts fine and states: "checking to make sure flash0: is unhidden...". now the only option i have is (o)= back, then when i press back it states: "checking firmware" then when i press back again it says "this program is for 5.00 m33 only!! please update to use this program".
I am using 5.00 m33-6 cfw on phat psp, should I downgrade to 5.00 m33 or what?
Thanks in advance for your help.
no. its cause ur flash0 is hidden(small bug) just go to the gameboot editor v3.1+ release and download the flash0 unhider or just google flash0 unhider. then just run it and all will be well. if you have anymore problems just send me a private message.
Right i got fed up with trying to get version 3.1 to work because i thought it might have something to do with the recovery setup at the start, so i tried version 2 and i get a different error "Cannot find "data/dummy/jpn0.pgf"
press start to restart.
This is really starting to get on my tits!!!
this won't work with game categories plugin and you can't rename any of the folders
can someone just tell me why i can't get version 3.1 to work. I would like to have this program for my psp. why does it say that its checking to see if flash0 is unhidden, when i already have it unhidden?? also when i run flash0 unhider i noticed that it says access denied with all the files when its running in command prompt, could this be the reason why its failing?

p.s: I didn't rename any of the folders and i don't understand what you mean by "this won't work with game categories plugin"?
Doesn't really matter anyway because i want 3.1 to work not 2.0.
thanks for the replies in helping me out........NOT!!!
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