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Full Version: Windows 7 leaks
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Do you think these are actually deliberate, or just some random internal guy with access to all the code is leaking it for the hell of it?

I have a feeling it's the former, after all, MS doesn't seem to be trying very hard to stop these leaks.
i didnt even know they are leaks :p

so MS isn't doing anything to stop em .. i say its deliberate
Nah,. they don't care,.
Not sure, but I think it's pretty stupid they didn't add some serial protection, I mean they couldve easily blocked the leaked serials and assigned new ones to real beta testers.
C'Mon.... you get a billion free beta testers... until it goes to RTM, this is basically a beta OS... Once the RTM is out, you'll not see any more such releases (just like with other OS)
Sorry, I was referring to intermediate leaks.  Ie, not build 7000 or 7100, but the ones in between.
I don't think they are leaking, I just think they probably don't care. The more people using and familiarizing themselves the OS the better.
Kuu Wrote:I don't think they are leaking, I just think they probably don't care. The more people using and familiarizing themselves the OS the better.

Yeah, probably that.
also they are getting a lot of publicity for windows 7 for free, handing out windows 7 for free and not caring about it may hurt them in the long run (piracy) but in the short term it will help sales upon its release, i mean depending on its price i will be buying it
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