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ChickHEN R3 Screenshot

[Image: henr349d21b0.jpg]


R3 New Features:

- XMB Version Spoofing
- Game Version Spoofing
- Photo menu redirections
- Hide homebrew backgrounds
- PSN Patches
- NandGuard
- System Settings Version Spoof
- System Settings Mac Address Spoof
- VSHMenu (3k to 2k (in-game))
- High Memory for 2k/3k
- More M33 compatibility

Quote:I have just talked to Davee and here are some up coming features of the HEN:
[12:20] <~Davee> I'll list the features
[12:21] <Xqtftqx> Sweet
01[12:21] <PSPnoObmOd> kol thanks
[12:21] <TRFyuki> <censored>: yay!
[12:21] <~Davee> XMB Version Spoofing
[12:21] <~Davee> Game Version Spoofing
[12:22] <~Davee> Photo menu redirections
[12:22] <TRFyuki> where would this "vshmenu" appear? Is this like those M33 psps that when you hold L/R on bootup, you get a menu?
[12:22] <~Davee> Hide homebrew backgrounds
[12:22] <~Davee> PSN Patches
[12:22] <~Davee> 3k to 2k (in game)
01[12:22] <PSPnoObmOd> wow
[12:22] <~Davee> NandGuard
[12:22] <TRFyuki> Oh, he's listin them here.
01[12:22] <PSPnoObmOd> so basically cfw without the ISO support??
[12:23] <~Davee> System Settings Version Spoof
01[12:23] <PSPnoObmOd> cool
[12:23] <Xqtftqx> PSPnoObmOd: No, its not modified firmware
01[12:23] <PSPnoObmOd> yay im happy
[12:23] <~Davee> System Settings Mac Address Spoof
01[12:23] <PSPnoObmOd> YAY!
[12:23] <~Davee> vshmenu
[12:23] <~Davee> Plugins
[12:23] <~Davee> High Memory for 2k/3k
[12:24] <~Davee> More M33 compatibility

Cool, Maybe in R4 wee'll have Flash0 access
Punk777E Wrote:Cool, Maybe in R4 wee'll have Flash0 access

would rather have a permanent hen :(  setup my buddy with a 3k and after an hour of trying he still never saw homebrew :(
I would like to know If I need the chickHEN R3 .Please send the firmware chickHEN R3  to me.

kittigorn Wrote:I would like to know If I need the chickHEN R3 .Please send the firmware chickHEN R3  to me.
SchmilK Wrote:
Punk777E Wrote:Cool, Maybe in R4 wee'll have Flash0 access

would rather have a permanent hen :(  setup my buddy with a 3k and after an hour of trying he still never saw homebrew :(
Ahaa permanent brick 4u
matchung Wrote:
SchmilK Wrote:
Punk777E Wrote:Cool, Maybe in R4 wee'll have Flash0 access

would rather have a permanent hen :(  setup my buddy with a 3k and after an hour of trying he still never saw homebrew :(
Ahaa permanent brick 4u

lol...i put the chickhen mod on his psp and first time everytime wee entered Hen :)  He is very happy cause of the 2 weeks he tried, only once was he able to get it to work!

no bricks, i prefer stones.


[Image: Old-LastYearAirlines.jpg]
is this out yet???? i guess is was sposed to be out in aprill... wheres it at?
A bit late aren't wee?
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