Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [HELP] floral art thingy
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i need something that looks something like this :

[Image: floral.jpg]

preferebly with colors

been searching for 2 days now with no luck . people vector tooo much :))
i need it for an embroidered piece measuring 16"x18"

damned clients
can't even provide a proper design,
theyr making me make one for em >_____________<
this particular photo ; they got it from a hearse .. lolz
any help would be greatly appreciated .. e-piggies will love you :p
Make it using These?
Mickey Wrote:Make it using These?

damn.. ive to make one myself ...
but thanks :D .. at least its in eps format :D

License: free for all

Mickey Wrote:Make it using These?

wow! parallax header! Inluv
Mc Cabe Wrote:
Mickey Wrote:Make it using These?

wow! parallax header! Inluv


im utterly hopeless with making these kinds of things

im using this

it is an awesome header innit? . i drool'd Nanana
yay double post

okay so i figured what the hell

ended up with this :
[Image: florals.png]

suggestions please?
to intesne turn down the color and add some weve to it,
R!KKU Wrote:to intesne turn down the color and add some weve to it,

weve ?

color - not the actual colors ill be using :p

the design ok ?
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