Hi guys...
I have a "Little" problem...
I had to change operating system to PC....Windows XP » Windows black XP (a mod version ;P)
When i try to open streamcomposer...I get an error message..
"Invalid Project file !" ...and after it closes..
....i can't make a gameboot
What can i do?
ehm...is the same thing...
The gameboot creator use the streamcomposer XD
..so i have always the same error ;P
Not really sure what that modded version does. Also not familiar with StreamComposer. The error sounds like it's trying to open a file type it manages, but if you're just opening it via the EXE, I can't see why it would do that (unless it's a default project or something).
Until someone comes up with a proper solution, all I can suggest is a band-aid solution - run it in a VM (ie VirtualBox). Dunno how well application layer virtualisation works for this, but it's trickier to do anyway.
it sounds like the registry is messed up there to me.if you have my tool there make sure you dl the update for it also and then start and close the app a few times for it clears out all registry entries and makes new.if it still will not work close all and start and close a few times again.start the app and go to make the gboot while its still running if you wouldn't mind send me the 2 files work.epj and the work.ecp.
they will be in
application start up path include/bin/work/work.epj
application start up path include/bin/work/work.ecp
i Try to use your program...but..
i have another message of error...
"Failed to create DirectDraw Surfaces.
Please make it sure that there is no application that uses overlay surfaces.
the viewer will now disabled"
"Invalid Project file !" ...and after it closes..
and now? ._.
don't worry about the error Failed to create Direct Draw Surfaces it does that with some video cards just click ok and carry on.the invalid project file is most likely because it can't find the file.that's why i say download the updated exe and replace it then start the app set your app path if you don't have it it the root of c.then it will fly i would think.i have had about a 1000 people with the same problem they never had the app in the root of c or didnt set the app path.
Yes XD
Now it work ;P
Very thanks Hinghboy...
Now i can public the Bleach theme for 5.00 Mwahahhahaha
thanks thx thanks thx =)
You can close the thread
Solved , you see Highboy is mad win.