Endless Paradigm

Full Version: inFamous
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kingdom hearts 358/2 days
Killzone 2 online,
The Last Guy
and Bionic Commando Rearmed is what im playing right now :P

@hec: i didnt think infamous was THIS good until i got my hand on the real game, damn awesome,

i lost interest in Prototype after seeing some dood play it,  the guy is just overpowered its boring

edit: finished my evil run, black lightning is awesome.
still damn you. and yeah prototyped seems like poo poo compared to this game.

I'm still trying to get some things done with those other games.

such as:

Infamous (Infamous Run - Outlaw: mission 10 | Hero Run - Completed: 52% of all shards and 17 of 21 stunts)
Wolf 3d PS3 + Wolf Res.
Final Fantasy 7
Future Crisis - Making it still
Cross Edge (3% of all trophies)
Unreal Tournament
Mana Khemia: Student Alliance (Chapter 5)
damn i need a copy of cross edge,
but the only series i have played in there is disgaea =/

needa come back to my persona 3 and 4 as well
i have played Ar tonelico 1 and 2.

so i know 5 of the characters. (they have their voices from Ar Tonelico as well)
well i know of the disgaea ones but never played it so it doesn't count.

Prepare to die! dood! -» i wonder why prinny says dood. alot
its just what they say after all their sentences, :P Just got all the stunts on my Hero file, phew
damn you again. i need to hurry up.
my inFamous got queued since i got Cross Edge. I'm getting Prototype also tomorrow, but won't play it until i finish cross edge and inFamous.
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