Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Starcraft II beta signups open
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I haven't tried this yet, but for anyone interested in testing out the SC2 beta, now's the time to sign up for it.


may signup for this...
grrr.you need a blizzard game or a US WoW account :@
bah. I would sign up if I thought my computer would be able to run the beta.
i signed up already.
Yeah it's a joke that you need a Blizzard game.... since I'm in a bad mood today I say **** off Blizzard!
I would sign up, but my specs are mediocre...if not below that Hihi
roberth Wrote:grrr.you need a blizzard game or a US WoW account :@

ohfook! I have only ever pirated Blizzard...>_>
roberth Wrote:grrr.you need a blizzard game or a US WoW account :@
Damn.  Do you need to enter a CD key or something?  Could probably go down to shops and get Starcraft for like $10 or something (probably find it cheaper on the net).

Otherwise, I wonder if this thing's leak-able.
I will just ask a friend, I hope Diablo 1 keys will work, he bought a Starcraft/Diablo pack.
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