Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Starcraft II beta signups open
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Pages: 1 2
I've got a real Warcraft 3 key. That'll probably work.

feinicks Wrote:
roberth Wrote:grrr.you need a blizzard game or a US WoW account :@

ohfook! I have only ever pirated Blizzard...>_>

Blizzard one of the only companies that's actually worth dumping money onto.

Bah, whatever, I pirate everything. Even my "real" Warcraft 3 is pirated - from some dumb shit who tried to rip me off and got himself ripped off instead.
Assassinator Wrote:Blizzard one of the only companies that's actually worth dumping money onto.

spoon yeah.

Diablo II ftmfw. I have put countless hours into that game, and re-bought it twice, cause I lost my CD key.
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