Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Daedalus R12 Preview
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Pages: 1 2
z7shaft Wrote:super smash bros :D
I hope he also starts working with Zelda titles...
and that GoldenEye issue...
yes zelda will rock when its woking
I'm glad this emu is making progress, but I find it hard to care when there's no sound.
Lol but there is sound
yeah sound that slows your games down
True, and i still turn it off cause its just cracky/crappy, no fun at all, but it is pretty impressive and as soon as games start running at 110% itll be great
R11 was faster but not that fast... add sound and it will be like r10 all over again.

Zelda is a must. OOT yes, this already works but has major Graphics errors. MM doesn't work yet.
Ye but r11 was meant to fix compatibility rather than speed, so r12 should be faster again. But if hes going to release it so soon i don't think the speed will improve much
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