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Soo ummm I got Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier for DS and I think it's awesome but since it's my first SRT game I'm a little confused about the battle system, I know how to make chain combos and super moves but is there any way I can actually control what attack I do when? I find myself only button mashing xD
And a little introduction to the battle system in general would awesome since I have the feeling my act counter is dropping to 0 waaay to fast....

But yeah I love all fanservice Inluv

I always saw videos of SRT games and they looked awesome but all the really good looking ones where in japanese Emptyone
I played all of them.  They are all full of win.  Even the ones for GB (not color) xD.
yeah ive started playin it in snes version, with an english translated patch
it is fun
but  ALOT of the game, may go over kids heads (but it is  T  for teens)

something like
"she a BIG girl"
"her cheat is 100cm"
BB for the loss, Xiaomu for life.

by the way, the only way to controll your combos is change the moves orders.

just finished the game 3 days ago, great game. :P
Yeah I got the Battlesystem now^^ and yeah Xiaomu For the win!
when it up to the part Xiaomu spanky i was like OMFG YESSS, AT LAST!
^^ Say should I shift back-row charas to front row from time to time? "Zebra-kun" and Xiaomu are in the back line since I got them....
mmmm keep the high level at the back, because you can use their attack anyturn, but yeah, when you get full party, i prefer KOS-MOS,Haken(he is a must, you will see why), Archen and Xiaomu, in the front, others in the back,

Kaguya and zebra, Xiaomu and suzuka support movie are the best( easy to chain into any combo, kaguya and is a little bit easy to get forced evasion though
Thanks for the advice, will try it that way^^
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