Endless Paradigm

Full Version: FLCL [my original soundtrack]
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this is my final project for my music class. All sounds, music, etc. (everything you hear) are original sounds, done by me, although I did have loads of help with the music.

Source: YouTube

I'll have the dialog in by next week.

let me know what you think. :D
Nice work man, keep it up.
Didn't watch all of it but yeah, sound effects get kinda tricky to mix.  Good job!
thanks guys. :D

and yeah, this isn't the final mix yet; I'm going to be recording dialog most likely tomorrow.

also, if Senseito happens to read this thread, this is what I've done in the way of anime sound FX.
Lol, you should try doing a fandub.
lol, waay to much work envolved in that. And I don't have an decent recording equipment at home.
Still love it! Woo
Ha, what a blast from the past.
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