06/05/2009, 11:08 PM
06/05/2009, 11:26 PM
WickedNite Wrote:krystabegnalie Wrote:WickedNite Wrote:it doesn't work on my psp :(
try it a couple of times, maybe it will work
yeah i know tiff exploit was blocked in 5.50 firmware, but yeah still to confirm if it work in 5.03+ firmware up
I've tried it almost 50 times but still doesn't execute. it only crash and doesn't reboot.
have you tried the way schmilk done to the hen?
Quote:I have had great success by booting the psp clean. then flick the power switch to suspend, then flick back on and go to folders, instantly hen is enabled on my phat!!!!
i think his process is like this in mformature
Quote:I have for myself have a TA-088v3 PSP 2000,
I have tried everything anothing was working,
saw these post from SchmilK and Mixmoff. Followed their instruction and it work the 1st time.
1) Turn on PSP
2) Go in suspend mode
3) Come back from suspend
4) Go to Photos
5) Open Memory Card
6) Wait without scrolling.
and yeah i check the first page there's the "how to"
Quote:1. First off use the supplied TIFF image and place it in the PSP>PHOTO Directory.
2. Copy h.bin over to the MS ROOT and safely remove device.
2. Scroll over to the PHOTO icon on the XMB and click the ChickHEN folder and wait. (This will not work the first time, you may have to just use a method of loading that works for you but this is what wee have found most efficient)
3. If all goes well the screen should blank out and flash green showing that the HEN is loaded and all is well.
4. Wait for your PSP to reboot and check your PSP's system software. It should now display: "5.03 ChickHEN".
5. Scroll on over to GAME and enjoy some Homebrew!
07/05/2009, 01:32 AM
too bad it keeps on hanging when i open the chichen
07/05/2009, 01:58 AM
Kratosjohn Wrote:
Bringing back some old lovely things....
Kratosjohn, here you are again.

I'm guessing the method here is different from what you explained to us.
07/05/2009, 02:07 AM
"""I have for myself have a TA-088v3 PSP 2000,""""
I have tried everything anothing was working,
saw these post from SchmilK and Mixmoff. Followed their instruction and it work the 1st time.
1) Turn on PSP
2) Go in suspend mode
3) Come back from suspend
4) Go to Photos
5) Open Memory Card
6) Wait without scrolling.
I did this already with my psp 2000 ta-88v2 and still not working
I have tried everything anothing was working,
saw these post from SchmilK and Mixmoff. Followed their instruction and it work the 1st time.
1) Turn on PSP
2) Go in suspend mode
3) Come back from suspend
4) Go to Photos
5) Open Memory Card
6) Wait without scrolling.
I did this already with my psp 2000 ta-88v2 and still not working
07/05/2009, 02:22 AM
yeah im still wondering how kratosjohn did it in 5.50 firmware? maybe he edit the firmware version? lol
07/05/2009, 02:26 AM
After trying and failing for a while on 5.02 (I heard people confirm it works on 5.02)...
I went and upgraded to 5.03, reformatted my memstick, restored default system settings, and put ChickHEN in clean with nothing else.
And it worked on the 2nd try.
Now the question. Does Hellcat's Recovery Flasher work on it?
I went and upgraded to 5.03, reformatted my memstick, restored default system settings, and put ChickHEN in clean with nothing else.
And it worked on the 2nd try.
Now the question. Does Hellcat's Recovery Flasher work on it?
07/05/2009, 02:37 AM
Assassinator Wrote:After trying and failing for a while on 5.02 (I heard people confirm it works on 5.02)...
I went and upgraded to 5.03, reformatted my memstick, restored default system settings, and put ChickHEN in clean with nothing else.
And it worked on the 2nd try.
Now the question. Does Hellcat's Recovery Flasher work on it?
il try that one tom hope it will work

07/05/2009, 02:44 AM
ive read here that he used hellcat recovery flasher in his phat psp, i think its schmilk, i don't know if it work in psp3000
07/05/2009, 02:47 AM
I am not a programmer but when could wee expect an devhhok for this HEN>? is it posible to use earlier version of devhook>?