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Full Version: Hayate no Gotoku!! (Second Season)
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Hayate no Gotoku!! (Second Season) Discussion Thread.

I saw episode 00 twice and I got to say, they made an effort slacking off with some scenes, honestly...

don´t think I´ll be seeing that one anytime soon..

... unless I want to see Maria in a bikini again.... Hihi
Episode 00??? :o

I watched 1 and 2 so far and am not disappointed, finally more Hayate no Gotoku! The new OP and ED are WIN, the opening has such a nice sound and I can't stop listening to it.... the ending... well.... H-I-N-A Hinagiku HAI HAI! Do I need to say more? Hina for the win!^^
i havent even finished the first season.. been too busy watching old stuff over again and stuff i missed... ive downloaded 300gig worth of anime in the last week and for this, because im so far behind, ill wait till its over and get the whole series at once and mass watch it on a long weekend...  im not seen the season 2 OPs and EDs but i love the ones from the first series.. i listen to Hayateno Gotoku - KOTOKO almost everyday
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