Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Upgrading to Vista, have some questions
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ive heard that after you do upgrade vista just crashes, so don't rely on it and backup anyway for sure.
Yea it takes a vary long time.

and moust of your programs will work..
pcs preloded with vista is the way to go
or else it sucks
Organ, not once during that entire rant did I detect anything that amounted to a rational, complete thought. I could barely understand what you said, but let me get this straight: Upgrading takes forever. If you upgrade, Vista makes a folder with a backup of all your old system files, right? Then, my digital camera won't work, but I can get an I Link? What the hell is that?

Anyway, everyone is saying that comps preloaded with Vista are the way to go, but what if my comp was actually supposed to have Vista, but I bought it 2 weeks before Vista came out? My computer specs on the dell website have "MADE FOR VISTA" written all over them, but will I still have problems if I upgrade? I have a dual core processor with 2.66 GHz CPU and 1 GB of RAM.
The "MADE FOR VISTA" stuff is all marketing, as long as a PC meets the specification requirements Vista will run just fine.  You shouldn't have any serious problems upgrading as long as your system meets the required specs, which it sounds like it does.  A system preloaded with Vista would only be better in that it saves the user from doing the installation themselves.
Okay, um, last question: I found out that in the obtained copies of Vista the formatter/partitioner doesn't work for some reason, so I was wondering, how can I backup/restore my old Windows just incase? Oh, yeah, I don't have an XP installation disk cause my comp came with it. What should I do?
Only sure way is to clone the HDD (that is, buy another harddrive, and clone (not copy) the contents over).

I still strong suggest against upgrading.
clone? how do I do that?
Use a program - Norton Ghost is commonly used for cloning, I believe.
Ya know what? I give up. I've been going back and forth from Vista to Linux to Vista again, and I'm done. Vista is too buggy, and Linux is user-unfriendly, what I'm gonna do is just download WindowBlinds, and make my computer look good. That's it. I'm sorry for bugging you guys so much, and you won't have to answer any more of my stupid questions.
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