Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New Yorkers Lucky - 101mb/s for $99/month
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Quote:New York-based ISP Cablevision has announced today that they will be offering all 3 million of their subscribers the option to upgrade to much speedier new DOCSIS 3.0 cable Internet, offering incredibly fast speeds of 101Mbps downstream and 15Mbps upstream for only $99.95 per month.

In comparison, competitor Verizon offers their FiOS fiber optic service for $140 USD per month with upload and download speeds of only 50Mbps.

The new "Ultra" tier makes Cablevision the clear winner in the market, with other cable companies such as Comcast and Charter offering only up to 50Mbps speeds, and at higher prices.

Even more notably perhaps, is the fact that Cablevision is a staunch opponent of metered billing and bandwidth caps, and the new tier will not have an usage caps or overage fees.

Cablevision added they are spending $300 million, (about $75 per user), to deliver the faster DOCSIS 3.0 connectivity.

The tier will be made available in two weeks, and I know I myself for one will be upgrading as soon as it does.

Hot damn I hope they move westward!  Looks like they are bringing some high powered arsenal to the fight the big boys!

Source = Afterdawn
Holy foeck!!

Now that's pretty fast!!
Shiiiiit that is fasst O_O wish In had it!
in 10 years time ... MAYBE well have that here >_<
Man....I'm in NY, but I don't have cablevision around my area......how saddening......D=
CableVision failed as a cable company. It's only going to fail as an ISP.
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