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ok well this is the story.. i started collection small figures released here in the west around 6 maybe 7 years ago.. then i fell on hard times for a while and got nothing at all.. most of the ones i have from then are missing peices lol... but recently .. last week actually i ordered $400 worth of anime figures and here i got 1 today so im posting pics of it along with pics of all the other random figures i have.... more pics when more figures get here in the mail.

Naomi Armitage - from the Armitage movies.
[Image: a1.jpg]
its a nice figure.. i like the movies and like her as a character. come with a few guns and a base.. had it for years

Ryoko - Tenchi series
[Image: Picture028.jpg]

[Image: Picture031.jpg]
if you don't know the series, she is a kick you in face, i get what i want type of girl.. oh and a space pirate with a beam saber. the figure come with said beam saber and a base and as you can see the Cabbit (cat+rabbit?) named Ryoouki which morphs into a space ship

Motoko Kusanagi - Ghost in the Shell
[Image: m1.jpg]
more of a doll than a figure. its hugh and shes wearing cloth camos. came with serveral guns and even the pockets can be opened and button closed

Meryl Stryfe - Trigun
[Image: mer1.jpg]
[Image: Picture027.jpg] i really wasent too intrest in this when i bought it.. it came wit ha hugh set piece to put her in that looks like a wild west saloon, all shot up. im too lazy to put it all together. also came with my fav from the series... KURO THE CAT!!

[Image: picollo1.jpg]
need i say more LOL


Haruhi Suzumiya (gothic lolita version)
[Image: h1.jpg]

[Image: h2.jpg]

[Image: h3.jpg]

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[Image: h6.jpg]

[Image: h7.jpg]

[Image: h5.jpg]

[Image: hpantsu.jpg]
LOL ECCHI!! all im going to say is this. 50star.GIF Inluv ... cost $100 dollars LOL

Tamaki Kousaka - ToHeart 2
[Image: tamaki1.jpg]
[Image: tamaki2.jpg]
ive not seen the series actually. i just liked her that's all LOL

Rei Ayanami & Asuka Souryuu Langley - Neon Genesis Evangelion
First it a set so both go in the same section together.
[Image: rei1.jpg]

[Image: rei3.jpg]

[Image: asuka1.jpg]

[Image: asuka2.jpg]

since blues and purples are my favourite colors, i like rei more. plus i like how shes acts all cool. i like asuka's lively attitude.. NGE is a great series and im proud to have the two prominent female leads as mermaids LOL... now wheres my Misato mermaid sega?  yeah sega made these.. or at least the publishers.. i can't read the box LOL i know its liscenced by gainax due to the holographic sticker saying so... sorry last asuka pic is fuzzy.. stupid camera.. had to borrow and i gave it back already so
lol @ the piccolo one.
The detail on Haruhi is amazing, where do you buy them from?
So where did you get them from?

The gothic one is awesome and very cute.
^^well the top couple i know youve seen in them in my room but my room was alway pitch black with tvs and computer moniters everywhere for light... i don't know if you looked around THAT much

the goth haruhi on i got here - http://www.jbox.com/SEARCH/Haruhi (5th one down on the list).. play asia and everywhere else is out.. next is yuki and then mikuru because she isn't out yet and tsuruya is out i think... anyways im getting all 4 in the set.. im know im getting two more this week in the mail
I think I remeber seeing them you kept them above your computer right?  Im still collecting dragons and stuff
[Image: hpantsu.jpg]

Lol, Unexpected/Random
theres a shop with 2 haruhi figures near me. but i don't have the funds :/

kind of looks like the 6th one down, the other one isn't found.
So are you getting all the figures or just the goth ones?
Syfe Wrote:theres a shop with 2 haruhi figures near me. but i don't have the funds :/

kind of looks like the 6th one down, the other one isn't found.

i counted 5 but its obvious which one it is lol it doesn't really matter

for mikuru i want this - http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-8x-7....html  - can't find anywherer that still has any for sale so is fucked.. i don't use ebay ... so ill get this when it comes out because its almost type - http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-8x-4...43-9k.html

for yuki i want - same ill get this when it comes out - http://www.hlj.com/product/ORC60046 - i don't want the pink version lol
nice!! I like the haruhi one best.. especially that last pic ;)
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