Endless Paradigm

Full Version: LOL @ MY LIFE
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Okay, so remember a while ago, that girl friend (not girlfriend :P) that I had problems with, the one who lied to me, yadda yadda? Well, in the last 2 months, it's gotten nucking futs.

Ksoliek, after another month and a half of emotional torture with her, I broke off our friendship entirely. I felt like poo poo, but I knew I would get better. Then, a week after that, she's ENGAGED. To some dude she's only known FOR 2 FREAKING MONTHS. (She's the person I mentioned in my other thread, with the "does this sound happy?" thing)

Now, not too get into too many nitty-gritty details, our little quarrel has gotten so bad that at one point, I went to the coffeeshop she works at for a quick drink, as it's the closest to my house and I was pressed for time (with no intention of interacting with her, and I didn't even speak to her), and was met by her dad in the parking lot on my way to my car. SHE CALLED HER DAD.

Now, she's pretty much stalking me, visiting my Facebook page constantly, and visiting and poking around on my DeviantArt page constantly. When I called her on it, she plays the "Do I know you?" card, while one of her journals still has my dancing little monkey icon featured prominently. Mind you, while I ended the friendship, this girl is the one who drew the line to cut me out completely, blocking me on Facebook and whatnot. Yet she continually checks up on me. Honestly, she's only online a few times a week, but EVERY GODDAMN TIME she is, I see her name pop up in my "Recent Visitors" box on Deviantart.

All I have to say to my life is this:

[Image: cup_of_LOL.gif]
Hihi jippie!! Hihi

obviously, theres some things about you she loves.
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:obviously, theres some things about you she loves.

Obviously. But you know what? It was her choice to say yes when that troll of a man asked her to marry him. Sucks to be her.
Chroma Wrote:
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:obviously, theres some things about you she loves.

Obviously. But you know what? It was her choice to say yes when that troll of a man asked her to marry him. Sucks to be her.

Absolutely, you're taking it in stride and finding it at all, amusing... good for you man, that's the way to do it/.
i done told you guys girls are weird :p

2 months O.O ...
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