Quitacet Wrote:Hatton will win the fight and the whole of England will celebrate...
That is until Hatton wakes up from being knocked out by the Pacman.
the whole Philippines celebrates their VICTORY!!

That was a great punch from Pacman I have to admit. Hatton had no chance.
I have been watching Pacquiao since he first came to the U.S.
I always knew he would be a hall of famer, and all time great.
At this point, he has even surpassed my expectations. The sky is the limit for this young man.
Mayweather should keep running from PacMan, if he knows what's good for him...
Quitacet Wrote:Hatton will win the fight and the whole of England will celebrate...
That is until Hatton wakes up from being knocked out by the Pacman.
Nice prediction. looks like it came true!
I watched this fight with some locals at a beach on something like a 12 inch tv :D
still every time the pacman threw a punch everyone cheered.
lol what a terrible end for hatton
thanks meh for the video, ill love to watch how hatton fell over and over again, lol
lol ive reading over a local news site, and find a funny quote from one of filipinos here
Quote:"Even the US president can't beat Pacquiao. Manny for president," motorcycle taxi driver Jesus Guasis said.
to read the source, here it is,

krystabegnalie Wrote:lol ive reading over a local news site, and find a funny quote from one of filipinos here
Quote:"Even the US president can't beat Pacquiao. Manny for president," motorcycle taxi driver Jesus Guasis said.
to read the source, here it is,

Lol you'd be surprised by who the people here vote for president.
Wee had an action movie star (sorta like the Filipino rambo) become president.
And he didn't even finish High school, he was a drop out.
WHo would have thought it would end in the 2nd round?