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Star Trek The Wrath Of Khan 1982
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Quote:Khan, a genetically engineered “superman” prone to megalomaniacal delusions, was exiled years ago to the barren planet Ceti Alpha 5. He blames Admiral Kirk for his hard fate, as well as for his… Khan, a genetically engineered “superman” prone to megalomaniacal delusions, was exiled years ago to the barren planet Ceti Alpha 5. He blames Admiral Kirk for his hard fate, as well as for his son’s death, and vows revenge. When Commander Chekov mistakenly beams down to Khan’s lair, the villain finally has a means of escape. Using a parasitic creature that allows him to control the minds of his victims, Khan seizes command of the Starship Reliant. From there he hopes to lure Kirk to his death, using equipment 'borrowed' from an experimental research project. These devices allow him to trigger something known as the “Genesis Effect” a means of generating new life from existing matter. Khan plans to use the creation machines as weapons, because the same fire of life that creates new worlds must destroy what existed before. Kirk and crew need all the courage and cunning they can muster in order to save their friend and silence Khan forever.

Sounds more like:
Genre: Fantasy | Drama | Comedy

never understood Star Trek fascination..

Well i prob will watch this movie,. but most old movies look kinda like comedy to me,. ;p there is alot of New old Blu rays lately.

Altough there are some really good old SF movies like Predator and Alien quadrology.

gonne look for Babylon 5!

EDIT: also enjoyed watching Farscape! serie and movie.
Farscape was good, only got around to S1, 2 I believe..

Babylon 5 is great to start with, towards the final seasons it gets dreading.... even hard to watch.

The famous dialogue that never existed.
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:Farscape was good, only got around to S1, 2 I believe..

The hell is wrong with you?  Go, go, go!
eh, never was into Star Trek.

although, I will watch the new one, because it's directed by J.J. Abrams and because Spock = Sylar.
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