Endless Paradigm

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awesome o_o but 200 bucks? I would buy it too if it wasn't so expensive
SkyDX Wrote:Yes the G19 has Video and YouTube Support though only with default codecs.

And yes all buttons are illuminated, you can freely choose the color in RGB values like in Photoshop

whot do you mean by default codecs Flatterd >!?

EDIT: googled abit,. :

i am gonne buy 1 too! tomorrow! i expect software updates soon! :)

EDIT: i have to choose,.
179 euro- https://www.dynabyte.nl/artikel/25606/
or wait untill 5-19-2009:
139 euro - http://www.komplett.nl/k/ki.aspx?sku=443753
Imagine like a fresh Windows Vista install with only Windows Media Player, the G19 player can't play more then that for now, so no .mkv, divx etc.

And welcome aboard fellow G19 user! (if you buy one^^)
%^^ yes but 40 euro in price difference,. O_O

anyway i want 1 !!
Gonne check out wich games suport the lcd.

G15 game list : http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/68/554

but i read the G19 suports over 80 games,. have't found a list yet,.
man that's an awesome keyboard.. i must get one...
i can't say much about price because i have a 100 dollar mouse lol - http://www.betanews.com/article/Microsof...752  ... the bottom has a ring that glows blue when its woke up after not being used in a while and the laser is blue!  that keyboard is way better though
Can't find much about the G19 either atm....

and Azumi, I maybe will buy a 120€ mouse in addition, Razer Mamba then my savings from Christmas are completely gone and I'm broke till June but hey....^^'
Sorry for Double Post, I can't code G19 apps yet but I made some concepts^^

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[Image: musictyy.png]

[Image: volumec.png]
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