Endless Paradigm

Full Version: windows 7 Problem
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Okays i have a
Macbook pro 2008 unibody 13 inch

Im using windows 7         and running it via Vmware fusion 1.0,

Okay managed to install it fine,

But i can't connect to the internet?    any ideas

Iv got my orignal mac osx disc and installed the bootcamp drivers to the windows 7
But to no luck
Windows seems to not want to even know about the drivers installed even when pointed directly at them
As mickey told me to do,

Iv been ripping my hair out for a bit now,? mabye one of you's might know how to help me on this

if you need more information ask and ill see what i can find,
Installed the Guest additions?
You also obviously need to allow net access from your VM application.  If you have, what method have you chosen? (ie NAT? though I'm unsure how Mac hosts handle network requests)
also if your vmwares networking doesn't work wirelessly

i know i try it on my mac
well it seems that windows
Refuse's to see both my Wireless And my Ethernet, :S

So that's why it can't connect to the internet
Can't connect to the internet if you don't have either of those,

I think my problem is that i have a cd with the appropriate windows drivers for the devices in my computer

But the installer doesn't seem to have put the drivers to the still unknown/"driverless" devices?

could that be it?
and yes zinga it is set to nat,
? i don't exactly understand that part but it says under the network yes i do want to share my network with the virtual machine and yes i do want to send via nat, :S there is allso bridged and something else

Changing them seems to do nothing
Have you installed the guest additions?
I assume you're saying that the networking devices do not appear in Windows' device manager?
R!KKU Wrote:Iv been ripping my hair out for a bit now,?

post pics Hihi

boogschd Wrote:
R!KKU Wrote:Iv been ripping my hair out for a bit now,?

post pics Hihi


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