Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Show Your iPhone / iPod Theme
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heres my iphone
lock screen - a girl in cosplay as haruhi, with the middle finger.. pure win
[Image: IPhone015.png]

main menu - still working on, (wants all haruhi and i shall have cause ill make it)
[Image: IPhone016.png]

and my IPod Touch

lock screen -
[Image: ipod001.png]

and menu -
[Image: ipod002.png]

mostly stuff made by others but im working on an all anime (haruhi) iphone theme because hardly no anime related ones exists
i havent really done much in the way of theming, but i have tweaked things here and there. I'll post pics later as i cba to get my cable.
awesome :D

I still think you need to make the face poke theme :P
I left my ipod touch in Starbucks 2 days ago..went back 10mins later and it had been nicked :(  even worse is I only got it on my b-day on the 8th Sadist

this was the theme I was using.. was really nice too.

[Image: boxbymrevopreview.png]

[Image: picture002o.png]

[Image: picture003y.png]

[Image: downloadbuttonv.gif]
damn that sucks nico :(  people are such jerks!!!
[Image: IMG_0025.png]

[Image: IMG_0023.png]

[Image: IMG_0024.png]

like i said, just tweaks here and there
[Image: o02eed.png]
[Image: oqam81.png]
that's awesome.. i love it... transparent... lol
im just gonna rip off my old ayumi hamasaki psp theme... the black one..
John_N Wrote:[Image: o02eed.png]
[Image: oqam81.png]

What theme is that?
Lock Screen: [Image: IMG_0001.png]

Wallpaper: [Image: IMG_0002.png]
Pages: 1 2
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