Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] WaveFlasher v3
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[Image: snap002-1.jpg]
I found this while searching for some waves to convert for 5.00.
This was originally made for the OE days. But I tried this out and
it works for 5.00. What it does is lets you see a wave and it flashes
it for you all you have to do is press x when you find the one you like.
I have included 10 more waves in the download. Make sure to read the
readme file. This was made by Team Duck.
All waves converted by buckeyes937

Please note you have a fat psp you need the 1.50 addon for this to work
Cool news
I wasn't here for the OE days so i would've never heard of it..
this is great i wish more stuff worked from the old days like random gameboot among others.

Thanks for your time man
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